Theres a Mummy in my Tunnel!

51 weeks

Katie woke rather early today. 5am. She snoozed/fed until 5.45 but was then wide awake and wanted to play in the swing. She sat in my bed pointing at it and squawking until I got up, got it out and let her play. Then she grinned away, all was good.

We went to tea and toast, it was one of our friends' birthdays so someone had taken an incredibly good chocolate cake. It was decorated with maltesers. Katie now has discovered maltesers. She scoffed three and enjoyed them a lot! She fell asleep in my arms on the way home from tea and toast, I had to carry her as she'd walked there and I'd not picked up a sling.

I had a dentist appointment, and she sat in the pram waving her rice cakes at the dentist and grinning. After a play at home, we walked to the park, where she chased the ducks and had a marvelous time.

Before bedtime she had a crazy half hour being mad in her ball pool. She's learnt to properly throw balls, rather than just drop them in an uncontrolled fashion! So they all got hurled out the tent.

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