He's gorgeous

23months 22days

... that's what Katie said about this elephant. "He's gorgeous, I cuddle him". So she did.

Katie went this morning with H&A (and mummy!) to Montessori, so I could sort some things. She was extremely excited to see them, and as I strapped her in their car was full of it. Her face wobbled a little when it dawned her I really wasnt coming, but it was a fleeting second and was back to bouncy again soon. Apparently they had a fab time at Montys, and Katie returned with only one sticking/painting picture, which is rather unusual!

I got a text from their mum at lunch time saying Katie had eaten loads then gone to sleep in H's bed, so she'd keep her a couple of hours more. When she dropped her off she said she'd been no trouble and they'd all been really good.

I had been hoping to go meet with Dotty and Vic this afternoon, but little miss didnt much want to go far, so we went and did our couple of jobs we had and then I took her to the garden centre for a snack and drink. This is where she was looking at all the animals. She fed the pretend animals with pretend food. Then watered the pretend grass with imaginary water.

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