In Tru Life

By TruLife

I've offended!

Today is baby and toddler group day and while there I had a nice time chatting to a few mums with static-ish babies and Flori is really getting in to the singing too! I walked home with mummy L and chatted away which we did last week too. So that was nice.

However it seems that my jesting about the "Mummy Mafia" on previous Tuesdays has seriously offended the ladies in question. I must apologise and only say I did not mean any harm and they are lovely mummies, a few of whom I knew previously to the group. That's probably why I would have liked to be in "the gang" but as we all know with toddler groups, these things rarely run smoothly! I checked back to make sure I wasn't offensive and am sure the term is always used in a joking manner. Opinions welcome. I had thought the term was simply meant as a funny way to describe close-nit friendships between mums... but I may be wrong. I have several year's playground experience on these mummies so maybe I have just heard it used before and no harm was ever meant! Anyway sorry again and hope it can be forgotten about!?

Maddy had trampolining and multi sports trampolining again this afternoon, as the usual multi sports teacher was off ill.

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