This day

By snapper

Sun goes up....sun goes down

This is early (ish) morning on the Crinan canal and a beautiful day it was too. Having been to Arran yesterday and taken my pal, today I had to go to Fort William so naturally she came too. Had a good meeting there while my pal plootered about the Fort. then we grabbed a quick snack and headed home via the fantastically lit Glencoe. As my pal was in a bit of a hurry to get back as sh then had to travel back to the Central belt I couldnt stop to take photos so I missed some fantastic reflections so this one I took before we set off will just have to do!

Dogs fed their supper and looking at me saying, no more galavanting us now! so its off for a wee plod by the canal then home to put a nice roaring fire on and relax. No more entertaining to be done and more importantly...I dont need to clean the house...till the next visitor arrrives!

Have a good blip night all

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