This day

By snapper

Dog paddle

Took doggies out for a wee walk along a river bank. Most of the river was shallow so they paddled about a bit, however at one point there was quite a current and poor wee Sam suddenly went bobbing past me at a rate of knots head over heels and not able to get to the bank. I had to run alongside him and thankfully he got tangled up in a tree root and I was able to fish a wet bedraggles Sam out. He was not too happy with his ordeal and Freda the lab was thinking the whole thing great fun as she is a strong swimmer and a lot bigger than poor wee Sam. Abbie observed all this from the saftey of the bank - wise dog!

After that took them home to dry out and now chilling out. Got a friend and her daughter who have decided to drop in and lo by big son has also decided to drop in. So full house tonight but firts Taggart on TV.

Have a good blip sunday all

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