Club 107

By club107

A true celebration of life

Been feeling pretty maudlin the last few days it has to be said, but that kind of changed today after of all things a funeral. A very close friend's father passed away at the start of the week. Not a surprise, he was over 90, but always a shock.

The first times I met Dr H at the pictured house, he always struck me as a very understated man and as his son eloquently said he was both a gentleman and a very gentle man. Kind of a contrast to the sort of new arrogant, aggressive, and positively downright obnoxious standard that some aspire to these days. Reminded me very much of my late father. A few words in this diary would never even begin to do him justice, a GP, he was an art lover, had a passion for history, politics and culture, spent six years with the Indian army and therefore spoke fluent Urdu, was a very keen sports fan, had a wicked sense of humour and was such a genuinely nice man, perhaps from a different generation sometimes I wonder whether there will be many like him in the future. Looking around various blips, I know there are already many.

The service was lovely, the words and sentiments were perfect and the whole occasion was surprisingly uplifting. He lived and experienced so much, it is truly inspirational. Every funeral I think I have been to until today was more a mourning of a life cut short or a painful experience for someone else. Today, after several years illness, it seemed more like a release and an end to any suffering. I am sad but I am glad they had such a wonderful man in their lives.


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