
By Fisherking

No more beer and pizza.....

This is the remains of tonight's meal.

The Son and Heir and Young Helen came round tonight, and with them came YH's mum and her partner. They came bearing gifts of beer and pizza. It was the first time we've all met and we sat around for about 3 hours eating and drinking and talking.

Chris delighted in telling the tales of my brushes with the law, the time I technically assaulted a Police officer and got away with it, the time my car was stolen and used in a robbery and the Police came to arrest me for the robbery, but his favourite one is the Tale of the Most Wanted Man in Cumbria.

Years ago i used to take pupils for a week long adventure holiday in the Lake District, climbing, canoeing, quad biking, pony trekking etc. We used to hire a mini bus or two and off we'd go, about 20 pupils and 3/4 staff.

This time on the way back a mini bus clutch burnt out on a mountain pass.
I phoned the hire company who refused to send out a replacement vehicle for 5 hours and told me to split the party and bring the other mini bus back. I refused and told them we would all wait for the replacement.

They turned up to collect the broken down vehicle and we had another "full and frank" discussion about splitting the party and returning the other vehicle.I refused again.

Unbeknown to me they then reported the bus stolen!!!!!!! About 5pm I went to buy 24 portions of fish and chips and when I got back to the group, arms full of steaming parcels I was greeted by a female Police officer who wanted to arrest me for "Grand theft Auto". I explained the situation and she left us to wait for the replacement.

The replacement vehicle eventually arrived at 8pm and we got back to the hire centre about 11pm. I handed in the keys and gave the manager a piece of my mind. He seemed a little surprised to see me.

Next morning I rang Cumbria Police to thank them for their help and by chance got to speak to the same female officer, who informed me that she had turned up about 10 minutes after we had left with orders to cuff me and throw me in to the Police excuses accepted. It seems the hire firm had been phoning every 15 minutes through the afternoon urging my arrest until eventually they were using up so much time and telling such outrageous lies about what I had threatened to do if they didn't send out a replacement that the order went out to arrest a dangerous car thief!!!!!

Needless to say we never used that hire firm again!

Have a good weekend, Das vidanya.

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