Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

"Watch this Mom"

Since when did my tiny baby boy who used to fit in the crook of my arm grow up to be a ramp jumping scooter kid in our backyard?

"Watch this Mom" he yells as he jumps the scooter off of his ramp.

"Did you see that Bunny Hop Mom?"

"That was AWESOME!"

Instead of repeating the words, "Be careful" fifty thousand times, I took the approach of providing all the safety gear he will need with his new found scooter trick. Two days ago, he had two pretty bad falls within a half an hour of riding. We just can't keep him off of this scooter. Nor do we want to because it has been such a growing experience for him. So now, besides having to wear his bike helmet, he now has mini knee pads, ankle pads and wrist pads. This purchase is in the hope of saving his poor knees. He is the kid who can wipe out and then jump up and shout, "I'M OKAY".

And I am okay now that he has the right gear for his stunts. We don't want to limit his new found scooter freedom with his tiny ramps and jumps because both my husband and I did the same things when we were kids. I remember stacking logs, laying down a piece of plywood and then flying off it on my bike. He is following in our footsteps. The difference here is that he is still only four. I'm pretty sure my ramp jumping days were around 8 or 10. The confidence that he has gained from learning to ride his bike has been incredible. We want to encourage this creative outlet of his. It is wonderful to see him feel so proud of himself. Excellent to see him improving with balance and coordination.

I just can't believe that my little baby boy is already jumping ramps on his scooter. It goes to show that what everyone has always said is oh so true:

'Your kids will be all grown up in the blink of an eye.'

I thank God each and every day that I can spend this time at home with my kids while they are young. I'm thankful that I have been able to experience, capture and record all of these these sweet small moments in their young lives. Each and every stage of their childhood just continues to get better and better. And I have loved EACH and EVERY stage thus far.

I love you my honeys!

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