Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Mini Photo Shoot

Our starbucks 'after exercise' coffee date.


It's been going on now for gosh, almost two years?

We love it.

And on days like today where the sun is out and the air is warm, our starbucks chit chat gets moves outdoors to the patio. The servers must recognize us by now. We are the two girls who always come in after a workout with four excited kids. Chocolate milks for them. And two of the chocolate milks are usually spilled (my kids). And we all just sit down and reconnect. The kids enjoy seeing one another and we catch up on one another's weeks. And the kids love this little routine just as much as we do. They always ask if we are "going to the bucks" after class.

A mini photo shoot today at 'The bucks'. My girlfriend and I had a ball trying to get her baby boy to laugh for the camera. And wow, some of the things that she was coming up with was making me die with laughter as well. She is such a good Mom and I think that this photograph captures the love perfectly.

I came home with almost 100 photos. Her baby was giggling so much and having such a fun time, I just kept clicking pics for her. And we got a darling photo of her two boys laughing together. The beauty of always having my camera with me is that you never know when you might just get that perfect photographic opportunity. And the photos of my little girl talking to the baby in her version of a baby voice......perfect.

A nice little refreshing afternoon today. A little weekly routine that started out as a special little treat and still continues to be a special little treat in so many ways. The power of close friendships. Something that has always been very important to me.

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