
By willcarroll

Aegean Paradise #6

Robbie's third go at Rendez with Platon [F8b] in Jurassic Park sector nearly met with success. Unfortunately, Robbie was out of shot by the next shot with the camera in drive mode...

I had had an interesting morning, warming up on an F6b+. The rock was a little brittle, but I didn't think too much of it. Arriving at the fifth clip, I had my left foot high, and my left hand under a thin flake. Reaching down with my right hand to take a draw, the foothold that I had trusted with most of my weight proved not to be up to the job. As it gave way, I weighted the flake with my left hand. I thought that I has averted the fall, only to see my hand come away with the slice of rock still between my fingers. Pirouetting around my right hand and foot, I caught the rope with my flailing left heel which spun me up-side-down as I fell.

My ankle burned through friction, and confidence in the rock at this sector dented, I retired to the ropes to photograph. It was worth the wait to can this, and a few other similar shots...

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