
By willcarroll

Aegean Paradise #7

One week into the holiday, and time to slow down for a day.

After the poor weather of a few days ago, things are looking up this morning. The haze that had been ubiquitous in the latter half of last week seems to have dispersed for good: First after some heavy rain on Thursday, and then again after the sun had won through yesterday afternoon. We had needed a siesta in the middle of the day to keep out of it- but steadfastly refused to complain after bemoaning the wet wether that had kept it at bay earlier...

After a few glasses of wine at the Aegean Tavern to bid Jon and Ross farewell [they now realise that too book in only for a week was a mistake :( ], I made it to bed just into the early hours. The biting insects were out in force- but it was too hot to shut the doors. I was tired, but the friday-night revelling climbers saw fit to keep me awake. When they finally quietened down, I became aware of a irregular flashing outside. As it failed to abate, I eventually got out of bed to investigate.

Standing on the balcony, I was treated to a silent storm. Off in the sea- but not too distant- the stacatto illumination was sheet lightning, bringing the low-cloud to life. Above the stars still shone. And it was silent- no thunder. How bizzare, but how majestic. I did take some photos- but they don't do the scene any justice. Maybe it was hard to photograph, maybe it was the wine...

So all of this adds up to the fact: I was only just out of bed when I snapped this crystal shot of Telendos, shaking it's summit free of the night-time cloud.

It is still sunny now. We all have enjoyed a lazy morning. Everyone but me has now gone to the crag- so I have a quiet afternoon. Resting now, I should get the most out of the four days I have left. And being on my own gives me the chance to blip, to think, and to wonder (in body, mind, and soul).

I hope the images I am posting don't make you feel envious if you have seen them during a week at work. Rather, I hope that they share some of the pleasure of this place and of the company I am keeping here. Take a look with that in mind...

Aegean Paradise #1
Aegean Paradise #2
Aegean Paradise #3
Aegean Paradise #4
Aegean Paradise #5
Aegean Paradise #6

and Catherine's blip... here. (soon)

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