
By Appreciation


The boys obligingly ran into the sea for todays blip. I love the synchronicity of their movement here. They were trying to soak yours truly, but frankly you have to get up early to fool me. Once again no blippers got wet during the making of this blip.

Its lovely to be by the sea. Today we visited another beach in the area. Both beaches beging with the letter 'B'.

The boys have been entertaining with their gibberish chat. We took boogie boards to the beach and have anoither lovely photo of them running along the beach with hands in the air and only the force of the wind holding up the boards. They tried surfing down the dunes but the boards kept sticking and they kept falling face first into the sand, coming up spitting out sand. Nice.

I though this caputured the holiday spirit more.

After lunch we visited the crazy golf. My No. 1 boy threw away the game after a disappointing 6 on the 16th hole, leaving the pal to scoop victory.

The boys are now outside the cottage firing sucker ammo at each other from their £4 secret spy kit weapons bought at the local seaside tacky souvenir shop. Boys, of all ages, have such an ability to revert to small children in a short space of time. Who says they grow up too quickly?

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