Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

A colour one

I was asked yesterday if I was ever going to blip in colour again. I'm aware that my blips haven't been particularly "woohoo!" and colourful recently, but in the words of the great Edmund Blackadder, I feel at the moment like:
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd.

Anyway, here is a blip in colour. Both the curvy, glass and the white bit on the right of the photo belong to the latest building on campus which has featured in part here before in: June and then again in July.

I like this photo for the sharp contrast in shapes between the harsh lines and soft curves in different parts of the same building and also the contrast in age between the old brick house on the left (one of many beautiful old houses that the University has bought and converted over the years) and the new, state-of-the-art glass and metal of the new building. Also, if you squint hard at the middle of the image, you can just make out a tiny bit of the Brutalist architecture of one of the libraries.

Bigger is better

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