Look after the Pennies...

I saw this notice on the vaulted entrance to a bank this morning, and it set me wondering if indeed in this day and age this was a true or false notion.

Obviously thrift in comestibles reduces the drain on the earth's reserves, but as this was a bank, I imagine the thrift in involved was a directive to save money.
Saving was considered a worthy thing to do when I was growing up, but nowadays there seems little point since there is no negligible interest accrued and a taxation penalty on savings. We have developed a spend, spend, spend attitude.

Nevertheless it makes a colourful blip, carefully done as it is, in small mosaic tiles and looking so out of context with the surrounding austere grey buildings.

Tonight at our book group we had anticipated, after the discussion of our two prescribed books, a happy atmosphere as we heard about a recent family wedding and also a visit to the Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

Instead we have the shocking news that one of our younger members is having chemo therapy for a late diagnosed cancer. It is difficult to say how we will all react as she confronts us for the first time since hearing the news.
It will be a horribly sombre meeting and brings us face to face with life altering situations.

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