Family 6

By meganrose

Blanket time

These monkeys were up early this morning so they are tired this afternoon. After digging up my garden they requested to come in as they were cold. Where ever Rory and Farrah go, Sylvia the kitten goes too. She thinks she is one of us.

91 pictures so far today and weirdly this one appealed... I think it was the way Rory's legs curled around the pattern in the rug. And the bits of paper on the rug give a true impression of our house, not the immaculate kitchen of yesterday!

I hung my washing before and it started to rain. I collected it in and the sun shined. Always the way. I did notice though that one of my roses is still flowering and scent is an unexpected bonus to venturing out in this autumnul weather. I'm hoping the unexpeted nature of today is reflected in Daz's hunt for work and something comes of it, right out of the blue!

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