Better news today. Thanks for all the sympathy and well wishing yesterday. I do feel like I've got myself a bit caught up in this - after all: it's only a house. It just feels like I've been waiting all year to get started on this new life...
Anyway, the planning chap came round today and right away spotted that our 'Chemin' was no such thing and should certainly be removed from the list of roads owned by the commune. Hurrah! So he's going to recommend that to the next council meeting, and then I don't know what happens after that. We'll get this first step out of the way I suppose.
So, we were back in earnest looking at places to buy, and are off to see some tomorrow and Thursday. Today, then, we had to make a quick trip to Spain to top up our petrol, and a couple of spare cans in the boot too. Feels like we're about to drive across the Sahara, not one of the most civilised countries in the world (?!)
Managed to squeeze in a little home school this morning, and Katherine took herself off for a nature lesson this afternoon - collecting bugs in her dad's cheese house. The cheese house, in case you've not come across something like it, is a wooden box with mesh sides. You keep cheese in it so it can breath, rather than keeping it in the fridge where - we've been firmly told by various French cheese sellers - cheese dies. We fell for the hype, but only use it when we've bought lovely cheese - not stuff from the chill cabinet in Lidl.
So, when it is not holding cheese, it is holding bugs from the garden. Katherine was absolutely convinced that this was a mother cricket with a baby cricket on its back. I wasn't about to disabuse her of that sweet idea, but thought I would give the pair the privacy of silhouette in case there's something else going on.
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