Getting plastered
On crazy Wednesday, someone has to hang around with the kids to ferry them to and from clubs. So Mr B headed off to work alone, leaving me to enjoy the second half of a delightful lie-in. To repay the favour I spent lunchtime making a delicious navarin of lamb for dinner.
The morning was spent shopping with Conor who was delightful company, though I found it hard to explain to him why everyone in the shop found it so amusing when he picked up the penguin 'adult' toy. Despite his desire to add to his penguin collection, I limited him to a pen like a broomstick instead. Resisting the scarf in a window display that I've had my eye on for weeks proved easier than expected when I found out it was a Paul Smith 180 Euro scarf... (Do you know how many sheets of plasterboard that would buy?)
Later there was more plastering, with the plaster proving mysteriously uncooperative on the kitchen chimney breast (pictured badly) but very well on the wall that will be behind the fridge and the wall behind the door. Typical. Cold today, and rainy. It's been long enough since we had proper rain that Conor just stared at it. At least I didn't have to water the leeks tonight. I mean watering leeks in October is just daft.
EDIT: backblipped yesterday.
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