The Rannoch Quartet

With his Lordship tramping the hills today, it was safe to have daughter #2 visit with her four children.They are all under 9 and an exuberant quartet whose presence in the Dower House would have caused his Lordship a slight amount of unease, being unacquainted as he is with the spirits of the young

The thought of the repurcussions had any of them spilt their black currant drink on the cream rug had me out in a cold sweat.
Despite Meancoast once saying that the first beaker of Ribena spilt on the carpet would christen it and make it less precious, I had them all chained to the table. My days of child friendly surroundings went when I left the castle.

The visit was a success. The Dower House lives to tell the tale.Neither of the boys slipped on the floor as they ran around or gashed their heads on some sharp corner. The girls were as usual well behaved. What is it that makes boys want to roll about tussling on the floor?

Eventually we opened the door and let them run off some of their high spirits outside. They are such happy children and very caring of each other.

With the dubious forecast of another cold winter, I felt the need for planting some snowdrops which would appear as harbingers of spring when things might be at their worst.
I was out of luck today. There were none in the Land of Flowers and also no crocus bulbs either. I will have to be patient, not an easy task for me.

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