Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Seeds of Hope

Dreich October day with the rain persisting all the way.

No work but a visit to the hairdressers - can now see again as the fringe is once again above the eyebrows, but hopefully not to far above as too give the stunned look!

On the way back from the hairdressers I popped into the garden centre with a view to buying some tulip bulbs for the garden. Him Indoors always goes quite faint when I mention a trip to the garden centre. He sees ££££ signs in front of his eyes! Fortunately, today I was on my own and so could browse at my leisure. I came to the conclusion that this time of the year is very much a hiatus in the cycle of the garden centre. Not quite time to bring out the Christmas bling and only the bulbs as a major crowd puller

The wall of seeds caught my eye. As a gardener you are always looking to the future, bulbs to be planted for spring colour, seeds to be over wintered ready for spring planting. However many of the seeds pictured here, if bought at the moment would simply sit in a drawer somewhere in the house and be forgotten about. I was not fooled or tempted :)

I did buy;

2 packs of colur co-ordinated large tulips
1 pack of allium
1 pack of snakes head fritillary
1 pack fritillaria imperialis

Total bill £21.95

Quite restrained I thought :) Now if the weather would only buck up I could get them planted :)

Have a good weekend

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