Having a snooze

and this was taken on my way back from the airport on Sunday.

Hmm - No blip on Saturday - none that the girls would have thanked me for publishing anyway. For some peculiar reason, I didn't feel that urge to have to take a picture for blipping and it was gone 12 before I knew it. Had a nice day though: lazy morning, quick trip to Spencer Plaza and Auroville for some window shopping before heading off to dinner with some ex-colleagues. News on the street was that the police were closing bars and clubs early, with some not even opening at all. Only India! So it was back to Marc's for one for the road and that was that!

Sunday wasn't great. Felt lousy and alcohol was not to blame. Picked up a bug of some description - sickness, diar.... you get the picture... Have never felt so rough getting onto a plane. I think the poor man next to me was praying I wasn't going to reach for the sick-bag, especially when they served lunch and the man on the other side of me chose fish curry. I was glad to get back to my room and I flaked out as soon as I sat down on my bed.....

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