
By shy

Day 5 - Sunset at Marazion

What a fantastic place Cornwall is. The day started with us getting up before dawn and taking pictures of sunrises (will put them on flickr soon), and then making our way the mile or so to Marazion beach. This is on Mounts Bay and contains the causeway to St Michaels Mount.

The day included: Photographing sunrises, visiting Marazion, eating pasties, visiting Penzance, visiting Newlyn, rushing back to Marazion for a walk over to St Michaels Mount, photographing the sunset, and then rushing over to Lands End to see it before it totally got dark.

Busy, Busy!

Finally got back to the School before Eastenders started. But unfortunately no BBC4 so no photography program.

For supper, I cooked a full Englsh breakfast.

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