
By shy

Day 6 - Falmouth, Glastonbury Tor and Home

For our final day, we wanted to visit Glastonbury Tor. Although it wasn't strictly on the route, a small 80 mile detour seemed reasonable.

We didn't want to leave Cornwall without saying goodbye, so we went a little off - course to Falmouth. Here we saw some big boats.
And some sea and some beaches and an ice-cream van that sold tea.

At lunchtime we stopped near Newquay and had some brilliant soup and bought clotted cream fudge for Abigail and Henry.

We found Glastonbury Tor eventually, but since we couldn't park anywhere near it, we just drove around it once, took a picture out of the car window and buggered off home via the Cotswolds.

The journey home gave us a chance to reflect on the memories of those few days.

For me, Cornwall in November is cool in both senses of the word. The light, and the sea is wonderful. There are no tourists. All the beaches have signs warning you that strictly no dogs are allowed. The only people on the beaches were locals walking their dogs. I shall remember rockpools and the sound of seagulls and real hot pasties and the open space and the freedom and the sea and the sea and the sea.

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