
By FauxPunk

Monochrome Boy

Today was my first proper Saturday off (without having to take annual leave) in two years. Two whole years. And it pissed down! Gutted does not cover it.

I'd planned to get out today with the camera, but it's not waterproof and I dunno just how much I can get away with. Instead I flicked through my photography magazines looking for something new to try in the house... there was nothing inspiring, so I decided just to take more raw images and play around with them. Here's Mathew looking all... Mathew-ish lol.

X Factor tonight - Thought Aiden was good, but that may have been because of the whole James Bond Title Sequence thing. Katie was awesome - big surprise having decided immediately that I disliked her - not so keen on having had to re-evaluate. The wee boys were pretty rank as usual, but I reckon they'll last a good while cuz of the teeny-bopper-wee-girl-vote. The girl group were offensively bland.

I think I could (should?) have cropped a bit of the space out at the top? It's kinda at odds with the tight framing around his body.

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