John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

A blip on the horizon

Weeks and months pass by and I forget to notice this small bump on the horizon. It is 21 miles from my back window to Traprain Law in East Lothian (best of Scottish counties). Traprain Law was the site of an ancient oppidum and must have been a considerable town.

People were buried there from about 1500 BC onwards., and ramparts were being built from about 1000 BC. When the Romans came they found the Votadini - a local tribe - well established with this as its capital town. The Votadini emerged as a new tribe called the Gododdin, again using Traprain as the capital, until one day they decided to move up the country a bit, and built a new place at Din Eidyn. (Edinburgh)

So if that hadn't happened there would have been an annual Military Tattoo on Traprain Law - and hordes of hen and stag parties would be trudging around the bogs of East Lothian in welly boots!

More time and effort required to get a sharper image - but I did want to tell the story. Lame excuse - but dashing off now!

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