
By scharwenka

Not France!

Today, we are supposed to be rapidly driving several hundred kilometers to the centre of France so that I may attend a committee meeting there.

We are not in France, after all, as you may well observe! Convinced that my health was now up to the trip, I was ready to struggle through. But the news from my colleagues in France about the strikes, motorway blockades, and the shortages of petrol all argued against travelling this time. (The strength of this argument was felt more keenly by Lady Scharwenka than by me!)

Instead, we are in Banbury, just about 20 miles from home, and we've come by bus. The hourly bus is an old bone-shaker (none the worse for that), but it travels through lovely countryside and rolling hills (edge of the Cotswolds), and makes detours through several pretty villages. On a bright, cloudless, early autumn day like this, the trip itself is gorgeous.

Here you see the Oxford Canal (it joins the Grand Union a bit further north), and we went for an excellent walk along it. Our children tell us that we must not say that the narrow boats make a gay scene. Just hidden from view behind trees are several food-related industrial establishments, examples of which make: beer, bread, coffee, and biscuits. The resulting aroma permeating the air all around is unbelievably delicious!

We took a different route home, changing buses in the nearest small town to @ViolaMaths's village. The first bus passed through Hook Norton, where some of the best of our local beers is brewed.

A VERY nice day out, but not enough garlic in it at the end!

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