The Sun is in the Sky, and My Oh My, Well I wouldn
Those who know me, will know that I spend almost all of my free time ferrying my kid (s)(p/t) to volleyball / hockey / football/ guides / scouts.
I don't mind this. I'm a parent, It's my job! I actually love going to the Volley Matches and cheering the girls or boys on. Today I got up at 8 to go to an early match in Prestwick, and was very excited, because today, after that match, time was my own.
I made plans! Me and my Mater were going to par-take of a walk. Up the hills and far away, making the most of the gorgeous but nippy October sunshine.
As I've mentioned, I normally always go to the matches, and the training, and because the training is far away, I stay. But as of last night, someone else was doing the far away run! I only had the early. So I was going to have quality time with my mummy!
Sadly things did not transpire. Someone dropped out - and of course it would be the one of the lifts! I was back on again! Aha! I thought, I could do the upward run, and still be back for a walk.
It was not to be, for as you well know, the best laid plans of mice and men, and a' that, Tooli's early game over-ran. We sped, (within the speed limit) to the School they were playing - it took us a little over an hour, only to find the school locked. Phones rang, - Apparently the Jannie had decided to go home sharp! Training transferred 20 miles down the road.... back in the car...
Back across the motorway, over the country - up the back lanes. Eventually got there.
It made sense that I just stayed - I would have passed the Dad coming up for the return lift on the way down the road.
So Sorry Mum! I was really looking forward to our walk! As far as I know, there is nothing on next Sunday..... maybe if the weather holds..... we can try again.
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