Another Day

By pcc

Classical Sparks

Another fabulous day, which is unusual for Labour Weekend.
Walking though the Park with Amber I found some beautiful dandelion seed heads in perfect condition - just ready to blow the seeds away and make a wish.
I decided to pick them and take them home instead to photograph.
Well I was about half a kilometer from home, and with Amber on the lead.
She decided that she did not really want to go home, so she rolls on to her back, and I suddenly find I have got a dead weight on the end of the leash!!
She did this many time on the journey home across the fields. You have to laugh at her, but I enticed her with 'tit bits'.
The whole time I am trying to protect my precious pickings.
I knew that if I bumped them they would be ruined.
There were 4 altogether - hedging my bets.
Well I made it home, and there was one still in perfect condition.
Everything else had to wait until I had got my photo, before the perfectness of it was gone.
I got a lovely photo, but at the end of the day I thought it was a bit boring, so had a play around.
I know very 'gimmicky' - but you are allowed to every now and again.

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