
Tonight my back is giving me real problems due to cutting and laying hardboard followed by vynyl flooring.

I really should do such things over a few days.

Before I did all this stupidity I nipped round to our daughters to see a visitor she had ......... a young woman who is working as a paediatric nurse in Saudi. She had a fairly fraught childhood and she moved in with us when she was turfed out by her mother at 16 and stayed for about a year and a half.
It is very good to see the way she has turned out.

When I walked in the Cygnet was griping and complaining but as soon as he saw me he smiled and started chuckling .......... how nice.

When I called back in the afternoon to collect SWMBO daughters older cat jumped up and sat beside her and the Cygnet. He imediately started stroking the cat ....... first time.

I liked the
colours of the shoes lying on the stairs tonight (no - they are not mine). But she has far too many pairs -- like her scarfs. How many scarfs does one woman need?

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