In Sorelworld...

By sroget

Hanging Out

After the conference today, we had dinner in Central at Gaia. After dinner, while waiting for a taxi, I noticed this group of men hanging out on a small street just down from the restaurant. I loved the scene - these guys just hanging out outside (it was the perfect temperature for it, finally cool enough to actually have a shawl on tonight), drinking, chatting, seeming to just BE - enjoying each others company. At this point, they had noticed me taking their picture and this was my favourite of the lot. The men looking directly at me. Unfortunately, I only had my Lumix and with the low light and zoom, the picture quality isn't great. Even with fine tuning, it didn't come out as I hoped (view here) but when I was playing around with the photo, it took an interesting twist into what I ended up posting. I liked that the men's faces still came through but the background signs went neon which is how this city looks to me sometimes - bright lights, neon city. :)

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