
By nicky

My comfort food of choice - Cadbury's Flake dessert - yummy (although I always feel just a little bit sick afterwards).

Update on the car from yesterday. There was nothing underneath the car in the morning, so I drove it to work. Nothing under the car while it was parked at work either. I spent all day wondering what on earth it could be, and I even took a sample blotted on kitchen roll so that my library manager could try and identify it by smell (he was rather surpised by the grubby kitchen roll thrust under his nose, but he couldn't identify it).

Anyway, I spoke to my neighbour tonight and it turns out that the fluid that I had thought had come from my car was in fact Jeyes fluid that they had used to clean out their rubbish bin and had drained it out on my driveway. Charming! I was very relieved that it was nothing to do with my car, but why they couldn't have used the drain in the road to pour it away, I don't know. Anyway, mystery solved. And I'm safe to drive. Well, I will get the garage to look at the car tomorrow or the next day to see what needs to be done so the hassle is not over yet. Keep tuned!

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