Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sun Rays & Shadows

Well, we sure had a lot of rain today, along with hail, and lightening & thunder, but we also had some great clouds and some blue sky and a great sunset.

Only in Oregon can you have every sort of weather in one day. The way the clouds are right now, with all the water, makes the sun real large as evening approaches, at least that's what my husband says. Anyway, it is so beautiful.

Here is another shot of the sun tonight.

I took some shots at my favorite quick place this morning; you can even see a reflection of the birds that looks like debris in the water. Then I was able to run out to the water and take some shots of the sun going down. I don't think is was as great as last night's, which I missed, but it was nice anyway.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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