Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

Nearly Pants...

OK, so today I WILL bore you with the details. Two things were nearly pants - my blip and my day.

Annoying parts of the day included:
- locking myself out of the house when dashing out to a meeting
- deciding I would prevent nervous meltdown by calling sam
- realising my phone was locked in house
- seeing my keys and phone through the window winking at me
- hurting my toe kicking the door feebly
- crying in a public phone box with two children talking about all the spiders in there
and then...
- missing a delivery by 5 minutes
- queueing up in the wrong post office to collect delivery
and then...worst of all...
- realising my bad blip day yesterday was due to the fact my lovely brand new-ish 50mm wasn't auto-focussing
- having my 50mm taken away by Canon for "up to four weeks"!!!! erm, hello?! I have a blip-addiction there not some special replacement lens service for us victims of social media?! Apparently not.

Luckily the day was saved by happy kids, lovely husband, friends and family, and a very exciting meeting with this clever lady and another exciting one with this company

Oh, and the blip...I pulled into a layby to snap these seedheads and found a pair of under-crackers hanging in the brambles! I did take some photos of them, but trust me, that was one detail you could do without...

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