
Big Half Term adventure today. Hannah and I took the kids down to Blackpool on the train.

Although we live very close by, and Hannah and I work together, the 4 cousins don't see each other as much as they used to now that school and pre-school are on the scene. So, it was nice to get together and all catch up properly over hotdogs, and chips, and nachos, and shandy, and chocolate-covered-fruit, and candyfloss.

The kids were great. Milo has got so much braver than he used to be, I was very proud of him queuing up by himself to go on a pretty scary pirate ride that no one else fancied. He was most pleased with himself! Summer, who foolishly woke up at 6.15am, did a sterling job of keeping up all day, and fell asleep in my arms as soon as we boarded the train home. Bella and Charlie were stars too. In fact, the only mishap was to poor Hannah, who got her foot mangled in a miniature quad-bike accident. Luckily she lived to tell the tale.

I love British Seaside resorts. I have such happy memories of them from being a kid...all you see is the magic and sparkle and wonder...not the grot and deprivation and gritty reality. It was so nice to see our kids caught up in the excitement of it all....some things don't change.

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