Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Foreboding Clouds

Twilight crawled across the sky, laden with foreboding. -"Max Payne" :)

Worked from home today which was just as well as it was a pig of a day weatherwise. Wind, rain, sun, wind and more rain were the dominant features. So it was much better to be poised in front of my PC for the day doing the necessary and I didn't get wet

This was just about all I had in terms of pictures as it was getting darker and greyer after a brief brightness. The blue sky is being quickly eaten up by the black cloud gathering. It wasn't too long before the heavens opened and the rain fell in a horizontal fashion borne on the wind.

Ach well maybe tomorrow will be better? Nothing else for it but to relax in front of the gogglebox for Masterchef and the Apprentice (and perhaps a little mid week vino) :)

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