Black Swan Family
Remember this family - the four little cygnets have grown considerably. We last saw them here.
Today they are 2 months old. They are still with Mum and Dad in a quieter area away from the busy public. Their lovely down coats are starting to shed and will be replaced by creamy/grey patchy feathers. On shore they are bigger than I imagined, always surprises me. Mum and Dad are still quite protective although the little cygnets are starting to show signs of defending for themselves. The parents and the cygnets make a tiny little gurgling noise. They nibble the grass and the leaves of the willows.
This image orginally had the four reflections of the cygnets and also the parent but I cropped it quite heavily so the detail of the cygnets could be seen. The light wasn't the best either.
Their story is documented on the above link if you wish to follow it.
Many thanks for your wonderful comments on yesterdays NZ Clematis petriei. I was overwhelmed by the interest shown in this little delicate native flower of NZ.
It is a real gem, thank you :)
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