
By FauxPunk

Eyes Peeled

So the baking started on Thursday night, but it was 01:30 Friday morning before it was finished, and the cupcakes iced.

These are supposed to look like eyeballs. One on its own doesn't really. A bunch of them together kinda does... I'll leave it to you to decide if two of them on Mathew's face is any better!

Fair play, he did all the baking and icing, which is good considering they were for my work. We made 24, and ate 3... 11 of the remaining 21 made it to work and we saved the rest for friends (and ourselves, of course). Thinking maybe more should've gone to work though, as they proved very popular :-D

Nothing much more to report about Friday, and am now at a loss for what to blip tonight :-s

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