
By FauxPunk

Confessions of a driving instructor vs ...

... Confessions of a Window Cleaner!

Ok so in the end there was no need to worry about finding a blip. We decided to go out to do some Christmas window-shopping. Just before we shut the door I asked mathew if he had keys. He tapped his pockets and confirmed yes, he had keys. Just after the door closed he pulled said keys out of said pockets to find that he'd lifted two sets of car keys and no house keys!

Nobody has a spare.

The man in the cafe didn't have a ladder tall enough to reach the only window we'd left open. The grocer didn't have a tall enough ladder. The man in the key-cutting shop didn't have a ladder at all, but did have a good try at picking the lock for us. This was particularly good of him as our only previous contact was summer 2009 when he repeatedly told us we were flooding his shop and we repeatedly told him it wasn't us. We were very embarrassed when we found out it was indeed us.

Regardless of his best efforts, he wasn't able to pick the lock so gave us the number of a locksmith. We werent looking forward to that cost. We txt trudian. They only had a 12 foot ladder and were at the opposite side of Cardiff. Like obi wan, they were our only hope.

Then, on the way to trudian's, we passed a window cleaner's van. He wasn't working, but was washing his car on his day off. He kindly loaned us his ladder and mathew overcame his fear of heights.

3 spare keys cut, ready to be distributed!

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