Polar Duck Training

By JanineLewis

Autumnal BBQ

Oh yes, we did a lunch time bbq and cooked up the chipolatas bought from the local farm shop - I so love retail therapy there with some fantastic cheeses, cakes, bread, sauces, jam.. plus the brilliant display of all the veggies in season.

It is also a great place for me to take my work to. I work with special needs children. They get to see and taste some great fresh organic food. That's how I make sure we don't have to go to Macdonalds. They are wow'd by the colours,sights n smells, plus there is usually something yummy to taste. Today it was the chipolata sausages ;0) Saturday child was keen for me to buy some of those after he had sampled them. Then for added pleasure we bbq'd them. It's a great way of explaining something new as they dont often take on board the verbal illustration.

Today was very much a day for getting in touch with the senses. With the full beauty of the autumn leaves magnified with the sunshine and blue sky.. then a little later against a dramatic black sky with the full sun on the leaves.. oh boy I could go on forever about all the reds and oranges.

I have also started to try different bird seeds and fatballs on our bird table. I am hoping to get some more feathery visitors especially as we havent got dogs to chase them away. Hoefully get some exciting photos from that. I wonder if I can cope with still only using my phone camera to catpure my blips or will I resort to using the SLR

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