
By dogwithnobrain

Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now

So, it's the weekend again. Joy to the world I had Friday off to do nothing with, and I did, literally nothing.

Today, Beloved left at to catch a train to Girvan. He and 16 Scouts are walking back to Ayr over the course of today and tomorrow.

Tooli had a volleyball match and I got up and got her and me breakfast. We picked up her pal, and headed down. Once I dropped them I headed to Tesco to pick up some shopping -I had baking to do. I came back and watched the match. They won again.... they have not yet lost a set in any of their matches. It's a great game too. A nice mix of players, some older, some younger, and the nicest thing is, that they are enjoying playing and each of the matches is just a joy to watch.

Once I left the volleyball I headed to maters. She wanted me to "trim" her Russian Vine, Honeysuckles, and Leilandis. I took our buzz saw, and set to work.

Mistake number one. Vest top on - bits of hedge and what not stuck down the bras-i-er. Mistake no 2, no glasses. had to do it with my eyes shut, which meant more bits falling down my front!

Mum's garden is about 15ft by 15ft, and there was about 15ft of russian vine all over the fence. As I sit here my upper arms are still shaking. I can't lift a cup of coffee to my lips - i have lost all ability to hold things. Hopefully laying down and sleeping lots tonight will help.

Tooli eventually came home from volley and then started the preparations for party! I started cooking. The twins turned up. I made them Pizza. They all got dressed, they ate, the painted their faces, and I baked some more.

I've just dropped them off - to two houses. One to leave their sleep over things, and then on to another party that they are going to first! Hellofa social life they lead!

I'm going to bag my tablet, ice my cakes, and then I am heading to bed.

I'm tired!

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