I Think To Myself, What a Wonderful World
Weekends are no longer for relaxing! I've realised that.
I don't drive during the week - i get the train and I love it! I couldn't figure out why, and then I realised that my whole weekend consists of being in the car for the benefit of other people.
In between runs, I stopped off at the local Woods and took this picture of this beautiful old tree.
This was "my time". Five minutes spent in the car park, drinking in the silence, revelling in being by myself, standing up, not driving.
Look at it all, isn't it gorgeous . It has stood the test of time.
The place where I am standing is where the old big house used to stand. The Duke of Portland I think lived there. Now there is only a small residential area there - the old courtyard which has been converted into beautiful flats. I don't like to take pictures of it, because it's people's houses. But it must be the most gorgeous place to live.
There are huge grass areas, deeply wooded areas, and it is through here that the Smugglers trail moves from Troon through the woodland to the flats of Loans and over to Dundonald.
I love this place, it has many happy memories for me, walks in the woods, playing on the grass, walking with friends. Playing with the children when they were younger. Scout Wide Games in the dark.
The Rugby club is just 100 yards away through the woods. Two massive rugby pitches, two pentanque pitches - and a club house. It is a lovely, lovely part of Troon and I think sadly under used and underrated. There were maybe 5 other cars in the car park today, and I only passed 4 people walking. On a day like today, when the sun is shining and the sky is blue, and there is a real warmth in the air, people should have been out breathing in this gorgeousness.
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