Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Teddy Bear Joy

Somehow amongst all of the other stuffed animals that Ava has, we apparently neglected to get her a teddy bear that she remembers along the way. I really don't know how that happened. Surely she at least had one as a baby. Anyway, about a month ago, she found a teddy bear she loved in a store and asked for it incredibly nicely. She explained how she had always wanted one. It seemed like a strange request. We were shopping for clothes for her older sister and weren't really getting anything for Ava and she HAD asked for it very nicely AND it was on sale, so I said sure! Ava was thrilled!! I had no idea this was such a big deal to her. Will confirmed to me when we got home that she had indeed been wanting a teddy bear for a really long time.

Well, today we went to a Teddy Bear Picnic ALL ABOUT teddy bears. She was quite excited. Each girl brought their own teddy bear from home along. They made several teddy bear crafts, read teddy bear books, sang teddy bear songs with a person in a giant teddy bear costume and ate teddy bear cookies. (Is it weird that I found that disturbing? It seemed a little cannibalistic to me, but maybe I am just feeling twisted today). Ava had a fantastic time!! It was so much fun to get to go and enjoy this beautiful day with her new friend!

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