From the North

By Tawastian

Dear log, I'll now fire thee

The days are getting darker and the nights are becoming colder but I don't care 'cause as long as I have a pair of woolen stockings, hot tea and a good fireplace nearby me, I'm happy.

Watched My Neighbor Totoro and ten episodes of Naruto today. Not so exciting day but I must admit that Totoro is one of the greatest anime films ever made.

The exam week starts next Wednesday - again. Happily the first exam is Russian which I've learned very well. I've never needed to care about the preparation for the exams but I should solve with some essays I've got to do. Well, I'm lazy, that's a fact; my history essay, two Swedish essays and my vocational selection essay are now shouting at me to be done. I'll do them tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Maybe.

Plus, I should read maybe the dullest book in the world for the native lessons. Argh, I'll never get to even like that subject! Last Thursday I wrote a four-page-long speech to be had there. But what happened? The time ran out and I had no change to get to the lectern because everybody wanted to have their own speech as soon as possible. That means that I need to have mine on Monday or I won't get an acknowledged grade. That's not so nice. >:-(

I have native lessons in the next period too because I chose the course 10 to get rid of it by fulfilling it as soon as possible. Well, I wasn't very bright when I chose it. Fortunately I have German in next period too so I'll get some therapy then. 'Fortunately' and 'therapy' sound good, ha-ha.

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