Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo


I took photos at another tree-planting party this morning after dropping C off to take photos at the Bellingham Farmers' Market. It was a beautiful sunny morning -- so warm that I had to shed my jacket.

I met C at the market afterwards and had a latte, followed by a cup of chowder for lunch, then I wandered around for a while, shooting a few photos, and bumping into friends.

The juggler in the photo is Jules, a friend of C's son, W, and a member of the Bellingham Circus Guild, a group of of professional and hobby circus artists. He was performing at the Market, and I captured this shot of him climbing on the back of a volunteer from the audience. I don't think the volunteer realized exactly what he'd signed up for!

Click here to see a few more members of the Circus Guild.

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