Sailing Again

2 days of sailing this weekend, and great day. Yesterday was an intro, today was a chance to test some of the newly learned skills. The 7 P's.

1. Prepare - look for boats, ensure ropes are free
2. Place - back foot across
3. Push - the tiller away
4. Pause - wait for boat to respond
5. Punch - the tiller extension
6. Pivot - turn as you go across facing forwards
7. Point - the boat in the direction we want to go

Today again I was in the rescue boat. The progress is amazing, after just one day and sometimes for as little as 5 minutes, the kids are really getting it. Some are sailing waaaay out!

Adam didn't, but that's OK. He's one to perfect his technique, and several club members noted he was a natural sailor. My feeling is that he's going to love it. I am ;-)

Detours on the way home included some brief irrigation maintenance at the office, some photos for a friend who are selling their house, then home

The plan then was for a big bike ride, but to be honest after changing tires and a few things, I wasn't feeling great. Sore back, headache, so it wouldn't have been enjoyable. Instead I planted some of the garden, then went to the pool for a swim then soak in the spa.

Home, dinner, blip then bed. Maybe one last ride tomorrow before the race tomorrow.

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