All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Pumpkin Faces

Ah well ... our run of good sleeps has been broken. Ethan was up at 4am last night and didn't manage to settle himself. Unfortunately when hubbie got up to see to him he was still half asleep himself and didn't look at the clock. He assumed it was "getting up time" and went through and chatted to Ethan, did his nappy etc before realising what the time was! By then, Ethan was wide awake and ready to party! So he was brought through to our bed and eventually fell alseep in between us while we cat-napped.

My poor sister had stayed overnight with us last night so I don't think she got much sleep either!

Once we were up and about for the day, my sister and I took Ethan down to The Centre. We'd got some money off vouchers for Debenhams so wanted to have a wee look there for bargains.

The afternoon was spent sorting through Ethan's tiny baby clothes to see what my sister wants to take for her baby. We've also now given her Ethan's crib - sad in a way to see it go but very exciting to think my nephew/niece will be sleeping in it in about 4 months time.

I then made some banana bran muffins - first thing I've made from the Annabel Karmel finger foods book. Ethan loved them - phew!

The clock change last night is obviously difficult for babies. I tried to keep him up a bit later which only worked by about 15 minutes and he was out like a light by 6.45pm (obviously 7.45pm in his time). It was round about then that the guysers started coming round the door. We haven't had so many for years and I was having to keep an eye out and when I saw them starting to walk up the driveway, I'd run to open the front door before they reached the doorbell, as I was worried it would wake Ethan up. Perhaps in a few years time we'll be taking him round all the neighbours so we can get our own back haha!

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