All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cheeky Chappie

Ethan had another good nights sleep last night - 7.30pm till 5.50am. Hubbie then got up and left Ethan in our room so I could try to get him back to sleep beside me. An hour later, Ethan was still awake and hubbie came back in the room .... with a pumpkin he'd just carved! I guess that's one way to kill time at that time of the morning! He did a pretty good job actually and I'm sure it may feature on tomorrows blip!

He then went out to pick up an item he'd won on ebay and took Ethan with him for the drive. I'm not used to being home alone without Ethan but soon got to work tidying up the house while he wasn't around to distract me.

My sister and her hubbie came through for lunch and then we popped over to Blackburn to visit his mum. She seemed to really enjoy our visit and had cuddles with Ethan. He was really interested in her Jack Russell. He's well used to our cats but hasn't seen many dogs and as you can see in this photo he kept chuckling each time she barked. So funny!

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