Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


But not for much longer with all the rain and wind thats howling through these parts! Most of the leaves in our garden are now on the ground - along with the leaves from everyone elses it seems!

Brrrr... It's so cold and wet and miserable. Thankfully my folks have good central heating and plenty of soup on the go. And I've just finished knitting a monster scarf which is already being put to good use. It's the kind of day you just want to huddle up in front of a coal fire with a good book. Unfortunately I'm being dragged out to the Doctors in a minute for the inevitable lovely long wait in their baltic waiting room. Double brrrrrrr!

Did I say that autumn was my favourite season? I'm not so sure at the moment. Or are we in winter already?
Although, the colours are still very pretty and the longer all the reds and yellows are around the more cheerful I am.
What I can see of them through the rain.

I'll just have to paint them instead. Once I've warmed up a bit ;o)

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