Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Warm Sky

I was such a baby, and arranged to take the day off today. I was kind of tired after the long weekend, so I wanted a day to recuperate. I still woke up early, though, so I headed to the bay to see if I could catch a sunrise. It was so strange because the clouds were dark, but I think I am starting to read the sky much better. The clouds seemed to be broken up just a little, so I kept thinking..."If their was a little break near the horizon where the sun comes up, there could be a nice sunrise".

Well, sure enough, the sun did not fail me. It was really awesome. The air was so warm too, I loved being outside this morning. I guess we have a big storm coming in tonight at 11:00, so tomorrow promises to be a real windy day.

Here are my back blip shots:




Back to work tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day.

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