Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Hazy Blue Lake

We were supposed to get a big storm today with 30 foot waves, but it never came, as far as I know. I had planned to go early to the ocean to see if I could get a shot of some high waves, but it wasn't even windy at my house, which is right by the water. So, I did some extra things I wasn't going to do, like put my Curry sweet potato pork stew in the crock pot to cook. I just love this recipe, and it is so nice to come home to dinner ready. I would like to give the person who invented the crock pot a big kiss, or a nice bowl of my stew.

As I headed to work, I noticed that the sun trying to shine through the fog, so I hurried to Empire Lake to see if I could catch it. The sun wasn't up too far, but I managed to capture this cloud reflection in the water. It isn't as clear as I would like, but at least I got my blip for the day. I did really like the fog in the back ground, though.

Happy Wednesday tomorrow!

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