Sleepy Cat

After quite a few beers and a very large vodka and apple juice (that Polish woman will be the death of me) it was off to bed at 01.00.

Up at 07.30 and then pack everything and have breakfast.
Say goodbyes to those people who were still at the hostel.
Make sure that all the dishes and glasses were washed and away (you would be amazed at how many of the group were too lazy to do it).
Pack away the studio that McGoo had brought and which had got good use (much more than last year)
Finally it was time to say farewell to Davie and Wilma - our hosts for the last 4 days....... they put up with so much abuse it is unbelievable.

Home by lunchtime and over to see the Cygnet.
What a nice smile...........

Then it was home to download all the pictures and start to get back to normality.

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